You know somthing is starting to bug me about the world now-a-days. The fact that all our lives depend on the internet.We use it to do our jobs, To check our mail,To talk to oneanother, and to even just read the news and it´s getting very stupid if I do say so myself,Id go outside if it wasn´t too cold and if i had somone to hangout with.
If we put much more faith into micro chips and electronics we will loose everything we hold dear family contact hanging out with our friends drinking a freakin beer keep this stuff in mind next time you want a cd dont order it go out and get it.
I have decided to post stuff all the stuff that i think are wrong with society and humanity as i think of it for now i will leave you with this. Go out jogging after you read this,Or if it´s nightime or 3 Am either go to bed read a book take a bath just leave your electronics alone for 1 hour or so.
Dallas Tennis Blog....RIP ???
6 years ago
Funny that you write about the immpersonality of society on a blog that has to be accessed in an electronic fashion.
I have to disagree with you on this though. I think that the internet has made the world more personal. Not only can we know keep in touch with people who live in Sweden and Texas regularly but we can meet new people, discover things about other cultures we were never aware of. Yes, people make take the matter too far sometimes but so too can people take personal moments too far.
yes but if we keep this reliability in electronics they will soon have their own minds and will one day become our enemy and the creators mind has been put into this device so noone could overtake a robo-cop for example
I DO agree with you, Hellrux. It used to be that letters was sent by mail. Sure it took longer but with the letter you could send a picture, a pressed flower, you could even spray it with your favorite parfume. Try to do that with an email. When the electricity goes down, or you loose the internet,you're screwed, but you will still get mail delivered. Before internet you could still discover things about other cultures. It was called reading books back then..Easy to find in a place called a Library..
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